Sobota, 28 Września 2024   imieniny: Marek, Wacław
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Kajol & Ajay Devgn’s daughter Nysa to enter Bollywood

It’s the time when Bollywood is accused of nepotism as every year we have a bunch of star kids being launched under a big production banner. But seems like Kajol and Ajay Devgn’s daughter Nysa is not so interested in Bollywood and talking about the same her daddy dearest Ajay said “Nysa is too young right now. We can’t put a pressure on her saying you can’t do this or you have to do this. Right now, Nysa is not in any mood to join the industry, and wants to study. I am happy with that. But tomorrow if she changes her mind, I won’t be able to stop her and I won’t stop her.” Aww! Speaks a supporting father Nysa is currently in Singapore studying at the United College Of Southeast Asia, one of the most renowned IB schools worldwide where stars like Sonam Kapoor have also studied. NYOOOZ TV Videos - Dedicated to bringing you the latest and best in politics, sports, current affairs and entertainment world. From traditional sports like cricket to best Bollywood entertainment news, NYOOOZ TV is a must watch for news updates. Download our Apps on : Google Play Store : Apple Istore Our Website


Data pliku video: 2017-08-25, Źródło artykułu:
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